After their opening day win against the Siegfriedhof Saints, the team owner fired the whole squad. With a tough match against the Death Headz coming up the new head coach had no choice but to recurit a new squad of rookie players. Read on to find out how the Reavers got on.
So coming up is the latest playthrough of Blood Bowl 2, here I recurite a new squad of players, sign a stadium sponsor, and get stuck in to the Death Headz, a brutal Orc team, with a reputation of forgetting about the match and just turning up for a fight! This will be a stern challenge for my new recruits.
A few match Highlights below.
19:10 – ooops big error
25:20 – Touchdown
39:30 – Sack the ball carrier
50:15 – Big guys come good
Tech Update – Slightly different tech setup for this video. I’m recording the gameplay using OBS studio rather that the Xbox Game Bar. OBS studio gives me a little more control over the volume levels of the game play and my voice over.
Anyway, enjoy the match
TSP Admin