In July 2015 I sat and passed the 70-411 Microsoft Exam. Although not as tough a test as the 412 the amount of material covered make this a tricky exam and you really have to know your stuff. The passing score is 700 and above, I scored 890. My charts by objective domain are shown below
The exam features a few different styles of exam questions, such as multiple choice, select the best 3 answers, drag and drop, and hot spot. I used the Transcender practise exams for this one, and I would recommend them although they are slightly more expensive than Measure Up. In addition to this I again used the Pluralsight videos, a new series has been done by Greg Shields and they are superb. I also use the Exam Ref which I purchased from Amazon. A good book and supports the material in the videos really well.
A few things to mention, make sure you are fully aware of NPS and NAP, GPO order, RODC administration and when to use the various tools available to the administrator such as ADUC and ADAC, if you don’t know what the acronyms stand for then you are not ready for the exam.
Over the next few weeks I’ll start releasing my study notes for 411, so keep an eye out for those.
Good luck – TSP Admin