Certs: Passing 70-412

Exam: 70-412 Configuring Advances Windows Server 2012 R2 Services

At the start of May this year I sat the 70-412 Microsoft exam. The score required to pass is 700 and I scored 781. The charts are shown below organised by objective domain.

Performance by Exam Section

This is a tough test, and requires advanced knowledge complex subjects like Hyper-V, Certificates Services, & Active Directory. Also covered are lesser known subjects such as DAC, IPAM, ADFS, ADRMS.

It’s well worth downloading the Exam Objectives document from the Microsoft web site and review each section. Make sure you understand the requirements for each objective domain, use the document as a study plan and mark off each section as your study progresses. Re read the document every so often, I found this really helpful in keeping the subject matter in my head.

The resources I used to learn the material were Pluralsight videos, there is a great 412 series created by Greg Shields on there, which is a superb resource and comprehensively covers all the objectives

I also purchased the Exam Ref from Amazon, it does not cover all the topics in the same level of detail as the Pluralsight videos, however, it’s a good read and supports the videos really well.

Exam sim software I used was the measure up practice tests, highly recommended. They are tough tests more than match the real exam questions.

In the next few weeks I’ll be releasing more of my study notes for this exam, they are a good starting point for your studies and were crucial to my success, keep a lookout for them.

Thank for reading, tsp admin