Blog: Tech Support for a Friend

This week I received an email from a friend wanting some advice regarding an email issue they were having. The email went along the lines of…

“I have become aware that someone is impersonating me recently using my email address. This person has been in contact with a friend of mine. Fortunately, they did not believe the person and just deleted the email. Today, I have had an email from Amazon saying a person got into my Amazon account! I immediately changed my password for Amazon.”

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Gaming: Blood Bowl 2 – Campaign Part 5

After overpowering the Charioteers, the Reavers take their 4-0 record to the Colosseum, home of the Gisoreux Paladins. With the Reavers squad boosted by two new signings and rumours circulating that one of their former stars is watching from the stands, the pressure is on, the Reavers must deliver. Let’s see how they get on.

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Gaming: Blood Bowl 2 – Campaign Part 3

After their shock victory over the Death Headz, the Reikand Reavers take their 2-0 record to the Deep Mines, the home stadium of the Grudge Bearers. Formed in 2492, famous for their bookkeeping skills, the Grudge Bearers keep meticulous records on all their opponents, however, could this rookie Reavers team have slipped through the net and taken the Bearers by surprise?

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Blog: Percy’s Mission to Mars

On the 30th July 2020, the latest mission to the red planet lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The rocket, an Atlas V, the payload on board, the Perseverance Rover, its destination, Jezero Crater on Mars. The voyage will take seven months, and is scheduled to make it’s decent on the 18th February 2021. Once on the ground Perseverance, nicknamed ‘Percy’ will explore the Martian surface to expand our understanding of the red planet and its mysterious past.

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Gaming: Blood Bowl 2 – Campaign Part 1

Its the last week of January 2021, and I at home, stuck in lock-down again. Fortunately, elite sport is continuing which is helping pass the time. The England cricket team are on tour in Sri Lanka, the Premier League is slowly simmering into what looks like a very interesting conclusion come May, but sport alone cant keep occupied for who knows how long during these long winter months. I suspect lock-down will last well into March and probably into April. So with this in mind I thought trying something different would be worth a go, and hopefully fun.

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Blog: Another Phishing Email, Beware!

Scams on the internet are all too common these days, and unfortunately, the scammers, bad guys, or hackers, whatever you want to call them are becoming all to cleaver in their attempts to trick us into giving away our personal or financial information. However, there are a few things that give them away, and once you know what to look out for you should be better prepared to spot them in the future.

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