- Firewalls
- Can be Hardware or Software based
- Used to protect one network segment from another
- Deployed between areas of high and low trust – Private / Public network
- Firewall types
- Packet filter
- Circuit level gateway
- Application-level
- Stateful inspection
Author Archives: Lee Fatibene

Gaming: Mass Effect Play Through
Mass Effect, released in 2007 is a third-person adventure/action shooter video game created by the legendary software house Bioware. It tells the story of Commander Shepherd, the first human SPECTRE who is sent on a mission by the Citadel Council to track down Saren, a rogue Turian SPECTRE who had led attacks on various outposts in Citadel space.
Continue readingCoronavirus: Day Seven 29/03/2020
09:30 – Got up, clocks went forward overnight. Means we lose an hours sleep, but on the flip side the evenings are longer. Summer is on its way.
Continue readingCoronavirus: Day Six 28/03/2020
09:00 – Got up late, stayed in bed listening to the 5 Live Breakfast Show, presented by Chris Warburton (@chriswarburton_).
Continue readingCoronavirus: Day Five 27/03/2020
06:00 – Wake up early, listen to the 5 Live Wake up to Money and then the breakfast show.
08:00 – Have breakfast, ponder what the day will have in store, who knows, put on the BBC News channel to get the latest developments.
Continue readingCoronavirus: Day Four 26/03/2020
07:30 – Wake up, listen to 5 Live Breakfast. Drift off back to sleep.
08:30 – Hear Daisy barking downstairs, better get up and check her, she probably wants to go out. Daisy is fine, so I had breakfast, a bowl of Cheerios, toast and a brew.
Continue readingCoronavirus: Day Three 25/03/2020
07:30 – wake up, listen to 5 Live Breakfast
08:30 – GMB, talking about the Emergency hospital setup on Excel, approx 2000 beds. That is frightening.
Continue readingCoronavirus: Day Two 24/03/2020
Coronavirus: Day One 23/03/2020
Up until today the Coronavirus crisis had just been a very worrying news story, something I was following, watching, listening to the daily news reports, expecting it to affect me and my family at some point but unsure exactly when. Well, today was the day it hit, the 23rd March 2020.
Continue readingCerts: Domain Name Service (DNS) – (70-410)
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a service which resolves real-world names to Internet Protocol IP addresses. My study notes should get you started on the material covered in 70-410, however, I’d strongly recommend you download the objectives from the Microsoft website, enjoy.